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ePerícia: Web and Mobile Computing Environment for Public Forensic Data Management and Collect

by Thiago M. B. Rodrigues, Glenda M. Botelho, Ary H. M. Oliveira
International Journal of Computer Applications
Foundation of Computer Science (FCS), NY, USA
Volume 177 - Number 13
Year of Publication: 2019
Authors: Thiago M. B. Rodrigues, Glenda M. Botelho, Ary H. M. Oliveira

Thiago M. B. Rodrigues, Glenda M. Botelho, Ary H. M. Oliveira . ePerícia: Web and Mobile Computing Environment for Public Forensic Data Management and Collect. International Journal of Computer Applications. 177, 13 ( Oct 2019), 59-69. DOI=10.5120/ijca2019919535

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Crime in Brazilian society has always been the object of reflection and cause for concern. Based on scientific principles, criminal expertise is one of the first filters in the criminal investigation process. Improvements in the processes of detection, identification, collection, storage and analysis of traces lead to better results in crime prevention and resolution. Thereby, specialized software becomes an indispensable work tool. The ePerícia is a software toolkit that aims to assist in the standard activities of Forensic Analyst and to support decision-making by public security agencies. For crime scene activities, an application developed for mobile platforms enables the registration of a vast amount of related information, replacing the traditional printed forms, as well as location marking, descriptive photographic record, sketches elaboration and events classification. It enables the data management and production of reports descriptive and quantitative and criminal spots to support public security policies development.

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Index Terms

Computer Science
Information Sciences


ePerícia Criminal Scene Investigation Applied Management System Criminal Scene Investigation Information System.