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Smart Scholarship Helper for Sri Lankan Grade 5 Scholarship Examination

by Dhammika H. De Silva, R. M. H. S. Gunasekara, I. P. Abeygunawardana, M. B. Peiris, D. A. T. S. Dodangoda
International Journal of Computer Applications
Foundation of Computer Science (FCS), NY, USA
Volume 177 - Number 12
Year of Publication: 2019
Authors: Dhammika H. De Silva, R. M. H. S. Gunasekara, I. P. Abeygunawardana, M. B. Peiris, D. A. T. S. Dodangoda

Dhammika H. De Silva, R. M. H. S. Gunasekara, I. P. Abeygunawardana, M. B. Peiris, D. A. T. S. Dodangoda . Smart Scholarship Helper for Sri Lankan Grade 5 Scholarship Examination. International Journal of Computer Applications. 177, 12 ( Oct 2019), 13-17. DOI=10.5120/ijca2019919503

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title = { Smart Scholarship Helper for Sri Lankan Grade 5 Scholarship Examination },
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issue_date = { Oct 2019 },
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%A D. A. T. S. Dodangoda
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Education is a permanent resource for the development of a country. Education faces a so many challenges among the community. In this respect, this research is based on the educational problems which are faced by grade 5 Scholarship students. In Sri Lankan education system, Scholarship examination is the competitive examination for primary students. The proposed research is to build a platform for grade 5 Scholarship students to learn and get the correct knowledge about the Scholarship syllabus to pass the examination well. This is the smart helper for students that covers all the main areas of the Scholarship exam paper such as mathematics, environmental science and language base. The environmental science section is mainly based on the theory of object recognition using model training, mathematical section is based on the algorithm creation and language based section is using natural language processing. On the other hand, teachers can create a group of students where teachers can upload papers and homework. Students can answer them and check their answers with the answers in the system which are automatically generating and provide the student analyzing report using the data mining process. The key goal of this research is to maximize the student performance and knowledge for the Scholarship examination.

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Index Terms

Computer Science
Information Sciences


Object Recognition Algorithm Creation Natural language processing Machine Learning Artificial Intelligence Data Mining