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Recurrent Neural Network based Prediction of Software Effort

by Lujain A. Hussein, Kulood A. Nassar, Maysaa A. Naser
International Journal of Computer Applications
Foundation of Computer Science (FCS), NY, USA
Volume 177 - Number 1
Year of Publication: 2017
Authors: Lujain A. Hussein, Kulood A. Nassar, Maysaa A. Naser

Lujain A. Hussein, Kulood A. Nassar, Maysaa A. Naser . Recurrent Neural Network based Prediction of Software Effort. International Journal of Computer Applications. 177, 1 ( Nov 2017), 40-46. DOI=10.5120/ijca2017915664

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The enormous efforts of software systems and unexpected efforts in the late phases of software development in software engineering field led to using methods to estimate software effort at early stages of software preparing phases. Therefore, the question remains how can develop an estimation method to be more accurate and gives a prediction for future software efforts. This paper presents a proposed method for software effort prediction, to enhance software effort estimation phase. The proposed method utilizes feed-forward neural network in recurrent fashion to make a prediction and adapt to handle with varying software types in software engineering. The proposed method (RFFNN) used to enhance the results of ordinary software effort estimation methods, RFFNN gives more efficient results by making a prediction for future software efforts.

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Index Terms

Computer Science
Information Sciences


Software efforts estimation Soft Computing Recurrent Feed-Forward Neural Network Neural Networks Software effort prediction.