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Reseach Article

ERP selection: A step-by-step application of AHP Method

by Noureddine Motaki, Oualed Kamach
International Journal of Computer Applications
Foundation of Computer Science (FCS), NY, USA
Volume 176 - Number 7
Year of Publication: 2017
Authors: Noureddine Motaki, Oualed Kamach

Noureddine Motaki, Oualed Kamach . ERP selection: A step-by-step application of AHP Method. International Journal of Computer Applications. 176, 7 ( Oct 2017), 15-21. DOI=10.5120/ijca2017915636

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A successful implementation of an ERP project in an organization requires the selection of a suitable ERP system. Indeed, the selection of an ERP system has a significant effect on future operations and profitability of the enterprise. Many research works identified major factors influencing the selection of an ERP in SMEs, and proposed criteria and methods related to the optimization of the selection process. Several ERPs selecting methods use AHP, on one hand in order to determine the weight of the criteria, and on the other hand to evaluate ERP systems. Some methods use only AHP, where other methods use a combination of AHP with other Multi decision criteria Methods (hybrid methods). The first objective of this paper is to present a review of literature on ERP selection process: after describing the methods used to select the ERP systems, the criteria list that companies use to select their ERP systems is presented. The second objective is to propose a detailed example of using the AHP method in an ERP selection context, a step-by-step application of AHP will be demonstrated.

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  22. Huseyin Selcuk Kilic, Selim Zaim and Dursun Delen.. Selecting “The Best “ERP system for SMEs using a combination of ANP and PRPMETHEE methods.
Index Terms

Computer Science
Information Sciences


ERP Selection criteria Process AHP