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Smart Boiler System at Power Generation Plant using Power Line Carrier Communication

by Nagesh Jadhav, Sonali Khande, Yogesh Shinde
International Journal of Computer Applications
Foundation of Computer Science (FCS), NY, USA
Volume 176 - Number 40
Year of Publication: 2020
Authors: Nagesh Jadhav, Sonali Khande, Yogesh Shinde

Nagesh Jadhav, Sonali Khande, Yogesh Shinde . Smart Boiler System at Power Generation Plant using Power Line Carrier Communication. International Journal of Computer Applications. 176, 40 ( Jul 2020), 18-20. DOI=10.5120/ijca2020920500

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title = { Smart Boiler System at Power Generation Plant using Power Line Carrier Communication },
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issue_date = { Jul 2020 },
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Electrical power network that covers almost all over the places in the world. Electrical power network can be utilized as a communication medium; it is possible due to its widely spread network and connectivity. The trending technology of communicating over the power line network is known to everyone since 19th century. The main aim of this project to propose low cost system hardware for controlling and monitoring boiler system at the power generation plant using power line carrier communication (PLCC) technology. The proposed system allows them to full control on the power generation plant with less effort. PLCC technology that enables sending and receiving data over AC power line. New modulation technologies are widely used ins power line technology. Due to the ease of installation, inexpensive, high speed communication medium, availability of AC cables, low cost, high reliability and security the PLCC is widely preferred over the wireless communication or other short distance communication technologies. PLCC technology is better than GSM technology due to ease of installation, availability of network, low cost of installation, high reliability.

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Index Terms

Computer Science
Information Sciences


Smart Boiler System