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Reseach Article

An Analysis of Data Security and Privacy in Cloud Computing

by Akella Subhadra
International Journal of Computer Applications
Foundation of Computer Science (FCS), NY, USA
Volume 176 - Number 39
Year of Publication: 2020
Authors: Akella Subhadra

Akella Subhadra . An Analysis of Data Security and Privacy in Cloud Computing. International Journal of Computer Applications. 176, 39 ( Jul 2020), 31-40. DOI=10.5120/ijca2020920508

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Cloud Computing is an important buzzword in today's computer world. Cloud is a global platform that allows digital information to be stored and distributed at very low cost and it is very fast to use. In present times since data storage requirements are huge many users are looking to store their invaluable data in more secure platforms such as Cloud. Cloud Computing is scalable, fast, flexible, and cost effective technology platform for IT enabled services over the internet. Even though, there are various advantages of cloud computing, cloud service users have to still put their data under third party servers which are not directly controlled by the data owner. The application software and databases in cloud computing are moved to large, centralized data centers, where the management of the data and services may not be trustworthy. Data security has consistently been a major issue in information technology. In cloud computing, mainly from government, industry and business users perspective, data security and privacy protection issues are relevant to both hardware and software parts of the cloud architecture. Cloud security is becoming a key differentiator and adding competitive edge among different cloud providers. In spite of various benefits provided by the cloud computing services, cloud users are very much concerned about data security . This paper focuses on various issues regarding Cloud Computing, Data security, how cloud provides data integrity, confidentiality, availability over user’s data and how data stored over cloud storage servers will be protected from attackers. Risk management of data present on the Cloud is another challenge. There is a requirement to identify the risks an organization would be taking while hosting data and services on the Cloud. In this paper, we present issues that are preventing people from adopting cloud and how to minimize these risks.

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  38. Mrs. AKELLA SUBHADRA, born in Amalapuram, Andhra Pradesh, India, received Masters in Computer Applications (MCA) from Andhra University, Visakhapatnam, Master of Technology in Computer Science (M.Tech.) from Nagarjuna University, Guntur and Master of Philosophy (M.Phil.) in Computer Science from Periyar University, Salem. She is presently an Associate Professor in Bonam Venkata Chalamayya Institute of Technology & Science, Amalapuram. She has 14 years of teaching & research experience. H
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Computer Science
Information Sciences


Cloud Computing Integrity Confidentiality Availability.