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South Indian Recipe Recommendation from Ingredient Image

by Praguna Manvi, Vishnu M. P., Nitish Vivian Maximus, Parva Chauhan, Umadevi V., Muzammil Hussain
International Journal of Computer Applications
Foundation of Computer Science (FCS), NY, USA
Volume 176 - Number 38
Year of Publication: 2020
Authors: Praguna Manvi, Vishnu M. P., Nitish Vivian Maximus, Parva Chauhan, Umadevi V., Muzammil Hussain

Praguna Manvi, Vishnu M. P., Nitish Vivian Maximus, Parva Chauhan, Umadevi V., Muzammil Hussain . South Indian Recipe Recommendation from Ingredient Image. International Journal of Computer Applications. 176, 38 ( Jul 2020), 42-45. DOI=10.5120/ijca2020920488

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title = { South Indian Recipe Recommendation from Ingredient Image },
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%A Nitish Vivian Maximus
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%A Umadevi V.
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Applications involving ingredient recognition are very limited and most do not work in less ideal conditions like the ones faced in a typical kitchen. The main reason for this is the dataset that the existing models are based on. These datasets do not account for real-world factors like noise, blur, etc. in the input image since they are trained on images obtained from controlled and nearly idealistic environments. For these reasons, a new dataset was created, consisting of real-world images which represent the scenarios users are most likely to face during daily use. A simple and robust system was developed that aims to address this issue. A multi-label classification model was built to identify multiple ingredients present in a single image. A personalized recommendation system that recommends a list of South Indian recipes to users based on the ingredients identified was also developed.

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Index Terms

Computer Science
Information Sciences


Ingredients recipe multi-ingredient dataset recommendation multi-label classification Recipe Recommendation KC47 Kitchen dataset South Indian.