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Evaluating Embedded GPUs Performance via Computer Vision Applications

by Paulo S. S. De Souza, Arthur F. Lorenzon, Marcelo C. Luizelli, Fabio D. Rossi
International Journal of Computer Applications
Foundation of Computer Science (FCS), NY, USA
Volume 176 - Number 36
Year of Publication: 2020
Authors: Paulo S. S. De Souza, Arthur F. Lorenzon, Marcelo C. Luizelli, Fabio D. Rossi

Paulo S. S. De Souza, Arthur F. Lorenzon, Marcelo C. Luizelli, Fabio D. Rossi . Evaluating Embedded GPUs Performance via Computer Vision Applications. International Journal of Computer Applications. 176, 36 ( Jul 2020), 7-11. DOI=10.5120/ijca2020920518

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%T Evaluating Embedded GPUs Performance via Computer Vision Applications
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Computer vision applications usually present significant demand for computing resources, which limit its usage on embedded systems, since such devices typically have limited processing capacity. In this sense, hybrid embedded architectures are becoming more popular by offering higher levels of parallelism through Graphics Processing Units (GPUs). Despite the similarities with generalpurpose architectures that already exploit the benefits of GPUs, this new kind of embedded devices presents some architectural singularities, such as differences in memory access bandwidth. In this paper, we present an evaluation, considering how much these differences affect GPUs’ gains in the context of embedded systems. The results show that, despite the architectural limitations, using such devices can lead to a speed-up of 8 times compared to traditional embedded systems processing data only on CPUs.

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Index Terms

Computer Science
Information Sciences


Embedded Systems GPGPU Computer Vision Performance Analysis