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Reengineering MANET Routing using Ant Colony Optimization: Modelling and Performance Study

by Bright Selorm K. Anibrika, Michael Asante, Benjamin Hayfron-Acquah, Ebenezer K. Gavua
International Journal of Computer Applications
Foundation of Computer Science (FCS), NY, USA
Volume 176 - Number 32
Year of Publication: 2020
Authors: Bright Selorm K. Anibrika, Michael Asante, Benjamin Hayfron-Acquah, Ebenezer K. Gavua

Bright Selorm K. Anibrika, Michael Asante, Benjamin Hayfron-Acquah, Ebenezer K. Gavua . Reengineering MANET Routing using Ant Colony Optimization: Modelling and Performance Study. International Journal of Computer Applications. 176, 32 ( Jun 2020), 38-45. DOI=10.5120/ijca2020920372

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title = { Reengineering MANET Routing using Ant Colony Optimization: Modelling and Performance Study },
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issue_date = { Jun 2020 },
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%A Bright Selorm K. Anibrika
%A Michael Asante
%A Benjamin Hayfron-Acquah
%A Ebenezer K. Gavua
%T Reengineering MANET Routing using Ant Colony Optimization: Modelling and Performance Study
%J International Journal of Computer Applications
%@ 0975-8887
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A wireless network topology that comprise heterogeneous routing paths without the supported of any preliminary network infrastructure is known as a Mobile Ad Hoc Network. Therefore, the nodes have the capacity to forward packets to nodes. Furthermore, MANET properties, namely; dynamic topology, nodal mobility, provide a large degree of freedom and the ability to self-organize give them an urge over other network architectures and topologies. For that matter, designing and developing secure routing algorithms becomes a daunting task for the researcher. To this end, this paper seek to compare preexisting and proposed routing algorithm for MANET based on the mechanism of the ant system , hence Ant Colony Optimization frame would be adopted. It is notable that MANET bandwidth, radio propagation, energy supply, etc. Different MAC protocols have proposed for adhoc networks. In this research, a new algorithm based on the Ant Colony Optimization algorithm framework is proposed. The proposed Ant Colony Optimization algorithm known as Optimized Multicast Routing Algorithm was implemented with the aid of MANET simulation in Mathlab and a performance comparison was carried out. The study compared, the propriety protocol AODV, with the proposed algorithm. It was observed the proposed protocol outperformed AODV under the quantitative metrics used.

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Index Terms

Computer Science
Information Sciences


Ants Algorithm Nodes Pheromone Routing.