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A Decoupled Health Software Architecture using Microservices and OpenEHR Archetypes

by Marcio Alexandre Pereira Da Silva, Valéria Cesário Times, André Magno De Costa Araújo, Paulo Caetano Da Silva
International Journal of Computer Applications
Foundation of Computer Science (FCS), NY, USA
Volume 176 - Number 28
Year of Publication: 2020
Authors: Marcio Alexandre Pereira Da Silva, Valéria Cesário Times, André Magno De Costa Araújo, Paulo Caetano Da Silva

Marcio Alexandre Pereira Da Silva, Valéria Cesário Times, André Magno De Costa Araújo, Paulo Caetano Da Silva . A Decoupled Health Software Architecture using Microservices and OpenEHR Archetypes. International Journal of Computer Applications. 176, 28 ( Jun 2020), 21-29. DOI=10.5120/ijca2020920302

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Coupling is a challenge in software engineering, because errors or failures compromise the whole software execution. To address this issue in the healthcare domain, a Decoupled Health Software Architecture (DHSA) is proposed in this paper. This study presents the development of three components, a tool, and a formal metric. The Connector, Container and Archetype-based microservice (Archemicro) components make the DHSA, which is dynamically generated by the Microservice4EHR tool. For assessing, a legacy software used in Brazilian hospitals is migrated to the DHSA. A comparison is performed between three tools (MARCIA, Template4EHR, and EhrScape). The Archetype-based Software Architecture Coupling (ASAC) is a formal metric to measure the coupling level of Health software architectures. As a result, DHSA increases by 66,6% the decoupling index of the healthcare software. The healthcare domain therefore is benefited with a software architecture that maintains the software operation even if a component from the software architecture causes errors.

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Index Terms

Computer Science
Information Sciences


Health Information Systems (HIS) Distributed Software Architecture Electronic Health Record (EHR) OpenEHR Archetypes Microservices.