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The Effectiveness of Novo Learning System and Self Directed Learning toward the English Ability of Non-English Program Students

by Melda Agnes Manuhutu, Tagor Manurung, Lulu Jola Uktolseja, Jalmijn Tindage, Berti Pakaila
International Journal of Computer Applications
Foundation of Computer Science (FCS), NY, USA
Volume 176 - Number 22
Year of Publication: 2020
Authors: Melda Agnes Manuhutu, Tagor Manurung, Lulu Jola Uktolseja, Jalmijn Tindage, Berti Pakaila

Melda Agnes Manuhutu, Tagor Manurung, Lulu Jola Uktolseja, Jalmijn Tindage, Berti Pakaila . The Effectiveness of Novo Learning System and Self Directed Learning toward the English Ability of Non-English Program Students. International Journal of Computer Applications. 176, 22 ( May 2020), 21-28. DOI=10.5120/ijca2020920205

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%A Jalmijn Tindage
%A Berti Pakaila
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The purpose of this study is to identify, explore and compare: correlations between: (1) the use of novo learning and English language skills in non-English students at Victory Sorong University; (2) the relationship between independent learning and English language skills in non-English students at Victory Sorong University; (3) the relationship between the use of novo learning and joint learning independence of English language skills in non-English students at Victory Sorong University. Data obtained by questionnaire. Based on the analysis and discussion of data, the following conclusions can be drawn: (1) There is a positive relationship between the use of novo learning and English language skills in non-English students at Victory Sorong University. This can be proven by the result of significant product moment correlation analysis of 5%. tcount>ttable or 3,848> 1,694; (2) There is no relationship between independent learning and English language skills in non-English students at Victory Sorong University. This can be proven by the result of significant product moment correlation analysis of 5%. tcountFtable or 24,959> 3,316 with the regression line equation Y = 6,853 + O.427X_1 + 0.159X_2.

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Index Terms

Computer Science
Information Sciences


Novo Learning System Self-Directed Learning Achievement