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Development of an Enhanced Congestion Control Protocol in Transmission Control Protocol

by Olumide Sunday Adewale, Mutiu Ganiyu, Olugbemiga Solomon Popoola, Ibraheem Temitope Jimoh
International Journal of Computer Applications
Foundation of Computer Science (FCS), NY, USA
Volume 176 - Number 18
Year of Publication: 2020
Authors: Olumide Sunday Adewale, Mutiu Ganiyu, Olugbemiga Solomon Popoola, Ibraheem Temitope Jimoh

Olumide Sunday Adewale, Mutiu Ganiyu, Olugbemiga Solomon Popoola, Ibraheem Temitope Jimoh . Development of an Enhanced Congestion Control Protocol in Transmission Control Protocol. International Journal of Computer Applications. 176, 18 ( Apr 2020), 34-43. DOI=10.5120/ijca2020920048

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The common problems that motivate most of the researchers in the field of congestion control revolves around how to have a congestion free network while maintaining efficient links utilization, fairness, elimination of packet loss/drop as well as achieving throughput in an heterogeneous network environments. This work adopted internet prey-predator model protocol and enhanced it. The network topology consist of a router, an access point (AP), four wired and wireless nodes were used as test bed. Network Simulator 3 (ns-3) and C++ was used to simulate the work. The work examined the basis of congestion variant and develop a new enhanced congestion control protocol. The numerical results obtained under different simulation scenarios show that the new protocol manifest high bandwidth utilization, reduced loss rate, fairness among the flows and improved throughput. The new protocol is recommended to be deployed on the public transmission control protocol stack, this will not only improve the network performance but also better subscribers experience and give them value for their money. It will also afford the Internet Service Providers the opportunity to provide uninterruptible internet access. Future work can focus on improving the performance of TCP with chaotic control theory using machine learning to better explore the model.

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Index Terms

Computer Science
Information Sciences


Congestion Control Transmission Control Protocol Enhanced Network Packet Links Fairness Throughput.