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Quality of Service in Wireless Sensor Networks

by Mohammed Q. AL, Shamiry, Sharaf A. Alhomdy, Yosef A. Abdulmoghni
International Journal of Computer Applications
Foundation of Computer Science (FCS), NY, USA
Volume 176 - Number 18
Year of Publication: 2020
Authors: Mohammed Q. AL, Shamiry, Sharaf A. Alhomdy, Yosef A. Abdulmoghni

Mohammed Q. AL, Shamiry, Sharaf A. Alhomdy, Yosef A. Abdulmoghni . Quality of Service in Wireless Sensor Networks. International Journal of Computer Applications. 176, 18 ( Apr 2020), 17-21. DOI=10.5120/ijca2020920036

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Wireless Sensor Network (WSN) is a widespread network used in many daily life activities such as environment, health, and nuclear radiation. Since, WSNs are networks that consists of sensors which are distributed in an ad hoc manner. Therefore, there are many important issues related to WSN such as energy consumption, end-to-end delay, and packets delivery ratio. This study aims to review the most recent works published in the field of quality of service (QoS) metrics in WSNs. It focuses on energy consumption, end-to- end delay and packets delivery ratio metrics. It will be helpful for researchers to know some of the trends and recent research in field of networking, as well as to learn some future works in this area.

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  10. Ons Bouachir , Adel Ben Mnaouer et al,(2017), "EAMP-AIDC - Energy-Aware Mac Protocol With Adaptive Individual Duty Cycle For EH-WSN", IEEE , 978-1-5090-4372-9/17.
  11. Mohammad Fouladlou, and Ahmad Khademzadeh,(2017)," An Energy Efficient Clustering Algorithm for Wireless Sensor Devices in Internet of Things", Artificial Intelligence and Robotics (IRANOPEN).
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  14. Thien D. Nguyen, Jamil Y. Khan, et al,(2017)," An Effective Energy-Harvesting-Aware Routing Algorithm for WSN-based IoT Applications", IEEE ICC Green Communications Systems and Networks Symposium.
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  18. Yan Sun, Junpeng Guo, et al,( July 2017), "Speed Up-Greedy Perimeter Stateless Routing Protocol for Wireless Sensor Networks (SU-GPSR)", IEEE .
  19. Sabin Bhandari, Shree Krishna Sharma, et al,(2017), " Cloud-Assisted Device Clustering for Lifetime Prolongation in Wireless IoT Networks" , IEEE 30th Canadian Conference on Electrical and Computer Engineering (CCECE).
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  21. Alka Singh, Shubhangi Rathkanthiwar , et al,( April 6-8, 2016), "Energy Efficient Routing of WSN using Particle Swarm Optimization and V-Leach Protocol",International Conference on Communication and Signal Processing, India.
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  25. Hongyan Xin and Xuxun Liu,( September 2017)," Energy-Balanced Transmission With Accurate Distances for Strip-Based Wireless Sensor Networks", IEEE.
  26. Hui Chen, Feng Wang et al,(2017), "An Improved Inter-Cluster Multi-hop LEACH Protocol Oriented Reliable Transmission in WSNs" 3rd IEEE International Conference on Computer and Communications.
  27. Hasna Dhehibi, Ahmed Zouinkhi, et al, (2017)," An Enhancement of MOD-LEACH protocol for Wireless Sensor Network ", International Multi-Conference on Systems, Signals & Devices (SSD).
  28. Manel Khelifi, Slimane Bourouais, et al,(2017)," GRCS: A Cluster-based Geographic Routing Protocol for WSNs" ICUFN.
  29. Varun Sharma, and Somesh Sharma,(2017), " Low Energy Consumption based Patient Health Monitoring by LEACH Protocol" International Conference on Inventive Systems and Control (ICISC).
  30. M. Faheem, and V.C. Gungor,(2017), "Energy efficient and QoS-aware routing protocol for wireless sensornetwork-based smart grid applications in the context of industry 4.0", ELSEVIER.
  31. Emad Alnawafa, and Ion Marghescu,(2017), "IMHT: Improved MHT-LEACH Protocol for Wireless Sensor Networks",8th International Conference on Information and Communication Systems (ICICS).
  32. Chinmaya Mahapatra , Zhengguo Sheng, et al,(2016), " Energy-efficient and Distributed Data-aware Clustering Protocol for the Internet-of-Things " IEEE Canadian Conference on Electrical and Computer Engineering (CCECE).
  33. Gopi Saminathan, Arumugam, et al,(2015), "EE-LEACH: development of energy-efficient LEACH Protocol for data gathering in WSN",Arumugam and Ponnuchamy EURASIP Journal on Wireless Communications and Networking.
Index Terms

Computer Science
Information Sciences


Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs) Base Station (BS) Quality of Service (QoS) Internet of Things (IoT).