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Building Provably Secure Block Ciphers from Cryptographic Hash Functions

by Charles F. De Barros
International Journal of Computer Applications
Foundation of Computer Science (FCS), NY, USA
Volume 176 - Number 16
Year of Publication: 2020
Authors: Charles F. De Barros

Charles F. De Barros . Building Provably Secure Block Ciphers from Cryptographic Hash Functions. International Journal of Computer Applications. 176, 16 ( Apr 2020), 1-7. DOI=10.5120/ijca2020920123

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This paper presents a proposal for the construction of provably secure block ciphers based on cryptographic hash functions. The core idea consists of using a hash function to generate pseudorandom strings to be combined with the message blocks. Each one of these strings depend on the previous ciphertext block (or the initialization vector, in the case of the first message block), the secret key k and a block key derived from k. One of the main features of the proposed construction is that it allows keys of arbitrary length, since the key itself is never directly combined with the message. Furthermore, even if an adversary manages to guess all of the block keys, he can’t efficiently retrieve the master secret key or the message, provided that the underlying hash function is cryptographically secure. Finally, the proposal also embeds an authentication tag in the initialization vector. Hence, instead of being randomly chosen, the IV is always dependent on the key and the message, which is crucial to generate confusion, diffusion and avalanche effect, since any minor change in the key or in the message will cause the IV to be drastically different, due to the properties of the HMAC, and because of the chained nature of the construction, this change will propagate to all ciphertext blocks.

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Index Terms

Computer Science
Information Sciences


Block Ciphers Cryptographic Hash Functions Symmetric-Key Criptography