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Reseach Article

Development and Test of On-line Cyber Crime Survey System for Manado

by Anthon Arie Kimbal, Harson Kapoh, Josephin Sundah
International Journal of Computer Applications
Foundation of Computer Science (FCS), NY, USA
Volume 175 - Number 9
Year of Publication: 2017
Authors: Anthon Arie Kimbal, Harson Kapoh, Josephin Sundah

Anthon Arie Kimbal, Harson Kapoh, Josephin Sundah . Development and Test of On-line Cyber Crime Survey System for Manado. International Journal of Computer Applications. 175, 9 ( Oct 2017), 1-4. DOI=10.5120/ijca2017915614

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title = { Development and Test of On-line Cyber Crime Survey System for Manado },
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Current cybercrime or cybercrime is very alarming. This study was conducted because more and more people who have cases that belong to cybercrime. According to preliminary data, cybercrime has occurred in the city of Manado. The city of Manado as the capital of North Sulawesi province has also been a victim of crime from cyberspace. What kind of cybercrime is experienced by the people of Manado City who want to be traced in this research by developing online survey system that can be used to get the cybercrime information quickly, accurately and accurately? By using waterfall system development method then designed an online based survey system and performed performance testing of system functionality that was built with the help of scale linker 1-5 to help calculate the percentage of respondents' answers. The result of this research can be an online based survey system to obtain information characteristic cybercrime experienced by Manado city residents and the results of system testing with data analysis as much as 73.33% of respondents stated that the application is easy to use, 56.66% respondents stated that survey questions are easy to understand and 70% of respondents stated that the application is appropriate for the survey.

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Index Terms

Computer Science
Information Sciences


System survey testing cybercrime.