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Functional and Basis Path Method for Testing on the Development of WEB Show Window of Crysanthemun Flowers

by Olga Melo, Anthon Arie Kimbal, Robby Tangkudung
International Journal of Computer Applications
Foundation of Computer Science (FCS), NY, USA
Volume 175 - Number 8
Year of Publication: 2017
Authors: Olga Melo, Anthon Arie Kimbal, Robby Tangkudung

Olga Melo, Anthon Arie Kimbal, Robby Tangkudung . Functional and Basis Path Method for Testing on the Development of WEB Show Window of Crysanthemun Flowers. International Journal of Computer Applications. 175, 8 ( Oct 2017), 1-6. DOI=10.5120/ijca2017915599

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Chrysanthemum flowers are flowers that grow in areas with an altitude of 600-900 meters above sea level. Tomohon City which is located at an altitude has characteristic suitable for cultivation of chrysanthemum flowers. The city government of Tomohon built a show window of chrysanthemum flowers showcase and is expected to be a tourist icon of Tomohon city flower. To further introduce chrysanthemum flowers and activities related to chrysanthemum flowers such as the flower festival of Tomohon city it is necessary to conduct WEB development containing chrysanthemum flower information and test on the web development result. The complexity of web development requires a comprehensive development method. Tools in the form of analysis diagrams and designs such as data flow diagrams, entity relationship diagrams used in this study for analysis activities system requirements, design and implementation of WEB can run well. Strategy to get a web that is good then the black-box test and also white-box. Black-box is used to test the functional of the program with no error and white-box results using the base path testing method using graph theory that produces the optimal test that is all independent paths that may be executed at least once, the logical decision that there is right from the logic of web procedural.

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Index Terms

Computer Science
Information Sciences


Web test black-box white-box