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A Survey on High Utility Itemsets Mining

by Shalini Zanzote Ninoria, S. S. Thakur
International Journal of Computer Applications
Foundation of Computer Science (FCS), NY, USA
Volume 175 - Number 4
Year of Publication: 2017
Authors: Shalini Zanzote Ninoria, S. S. Thakur

Shalini Zanzote Ninoria, S. S. Thakur . A Survey on High Utility Itemsets Mining. International Journal of Computer Applications. 175, 4 ( Oct 2017), 43-50. DOI=10.5120/ijca2017915521

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Data Mining can be defined as a process that extracts nontrivial information contained in huge databases. Association rule mining is one of the important techniques of data mining in which relationships among the items present in the transactions are discovered. Traditional data mining techniques have focused largely on detecting the correlation between the items that are more frequent in the databases. Also termed as frequent itemset mining, these techniques were based on the grounds that itemsets which appear more frequently must be more significant to the user .High utility itemset mining is an extension to the problem of frequent pattern mining. In this paper we emphasis on an emerging area called High Utility Mining which not only considers the frequency of the itemsets but also considers the utility associated with the itemsets. The term utility refers to the usefulness of the itemset in transactions, like profit, sales or any other user preferences. In High Utility Itemset Mining the target is to identify itemsets that have utility value greater than the threshold utility value. In this paper a study of literature of the various techniques and current scenario of research in mining high utility itemset have presented also advantages and limitations of various techniques for HUIM have been presented.

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Index Terms

Computer Science
Information Sciences


Frequent Itemset Association Rule Mining High Utility Itemsets.