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Multidimensional and Non-Relational Data Models: A Comparison with a Big Volume of Data

by Maria Camila S. De Lira, Ademir B. Santos Neto, Maria C. Moraes Batista, Roberta Macedo M. Gouveia, Tiago Alessandro E. Ferreira
International Journal of Computer Applications
Foundation of Computer Science (FCS), NY, USA
Volume 175 - Number 36
Year of Publication: 2020
Authors: Maria Camila S. De Lira, Ademir B. Santos Neto, Maria C. Moraes Batista, Roberta Macedo M. Gouveia, Tiago Alessandro E. Ferreira

Maria Camila S. De Lira, Ademir B. Santos Neto, Maria C. Moraes Batista, Roberta Macedo M. Gouveia, Tiago Alessandro E. Ferreira . Multidimensional and Non-Relational Data Models: A Comparison with a Big Volume of Data. International Journal of Computer Applications. 175, 36 ( Dec 2020), 1-7. DOI=10.5120/ijca2020920927

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In the last decade, a huge volume of data has been created every day. There are many sources where this information comes from, among them, it is possible to cite: financial transnational records, internet banking, call centers, ATMs, sensors, among others. As the amount of data is increasingly really quickly and the importance of the information inside the big data is crucial to the world, new tools and technologies are appearing to support the use and the manipulation of big amounts of data. This paper presents a comparative analysis of two data models, a multidimensional data model (Data Warehouse) and a non-relational data model, also known as NoSQL, in order to show their efficiency about insert and query the data in a context of big volumes of data.

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Index Terms

Computer Science
Information Sciences


Comparison Data Warehouse HBase Hadoop NoSQL