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Drawbacks of Poor-Quality Ultrasound Images and its Enhancement

by Khan Sumaiya, S.S. Kawathekar
International Journal of Computer Applications
Foundation of Computer Science (FCS), NY, USA
Volume 175 - Number 32
Year of Publication: 2020
Authors: Khan Sumaiya, S.S. Kawathekar

Khan Sumaiya, S.S. Kawathekar . Drawbacks of Poor-Quality Ultrasound Images and its Enhancement. International Journal of Computer Applications. 175, 32 ( Nov 2020), 47-55. DOI=10.5120/ijca2020920880

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Ultrasound waves are widely used in the field of medical sciences for diagnosis, therapeutic, and interventional use. It is commonly used in the areas of cardiology, urology, general abdominal imaging, obstetrics and gynecology, vascular imaging, and as a guide in surgical procedures. The noninvasive, cost-effective, flexible, and radiation-free properties of ultrasonography have made it popular among healthcare professionals. The ultrasound images are generated through pulsed acoustic waves that are transmitted and received by a transducer in the ultrasound machine. However, the quality of an image is affected when ultrasound signals degrade while propagating through biological tissues. The poor image quality affects the interpretation, thereby, delaying the diagnosis and intervention in the patient. The present article discusses the basics of ultrasonography, highlights various artifacts in an ultrasound image, and reviews some methods for the enhancement of ultrasound images.

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Computer Science
Information Sciences


Ultrasound imaging Ultrasound artifacts Ultrasound enhancement Ultrasound basics