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Reseach Article

Linked Open Data Life Cycle

by Rihab Fahd Al-Mutawa, Arwa Yousuf Al-Aama
International Journal of Computer Applications
Foundation of Computer Science (FCS), NY, USA
Volume 175 - Number 3
Year of Publication: 2017
Authors: Rihab Fahd Al-Mutawa, Arwa Yousuf Al-Aama

Rihab Fahd Al-Mutawa, Arwa Yousuf Al-Aama . Linked Open Data Life Cycle. International Journal of Computer Applications. 175, 3 ( Oct 2017), 34-39. DOI=10.5120/ijca2017915489

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Open data refers to the publishing of information in standard formats that are interoperable and open in order to ease its access and reuse for many purposes such as to encourage citizen participation in the development of their cities and to improve economic opportunities. The strategies of open data have gained the attention of government organizations to ensure transparency and reusability of the data. Many governments across the world have promoted openness as a strategy. Open data enables a government to be transparent and accountable to the citizens of the country. Smart cities is concerned with improving the urban environment by efficiently using existing resources. Those resources can be better understood using linked open data. In the contemporary context, organizations face difficulties in linked open data management, and there is a lack of awareness about the steps to be taken. Additionally, there is no standardized linked open data life cycle yet. This paper proposes a comprehensive open data life cycle model based on literature covering both data supply and demand processes and involving the roles of internal and external stakeholders. The paper presents thorough details of the suggested open data life cycle. The discussed models in the literature have highlighted technical aspects for a smooth and secure publication. Open data life cycle models have the potential of facilitating the procedure of opening up data. They offer phases and steps related to opening up data thus play a pivotal role in the successful application of open data.

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Index Terms

Computer Science
Information Sciences


E-government Open Data Linked Data Public Sector Information Data Management Life Cycle Model Citizen Participation.