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Base Line Wander, Breathing, Power Line Interference Noise Suppression and QRS Detection in Scilab

by Imteyaz Ahmad, Amar Prakash Sinha
International Journal of Computer Applications
Foundation of Computer Science (FCS), NY, USA
Volume 175 - Number 29
Year of Publication: 2020
Authors: Imteyaz Ahmad, Amar Prakash Sinha

Imteyaz Ahmad, Amar Prakash Sinha . Base Line Wander, Breathing, Power Line Interference Noise Suppression and QRS Detection in Scilab. International Journal of Computer Applications. 175, 29 ( Nov 2020), 24-28. DOI=10.5120/ijca2020920829

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title = { Base Line Wander, Breathing, Power Line Interference Noise Suppression and QRS Detection in Scilab },
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issue_date = { Nov 2020 },
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The ECG signal contain base line wander noise(0.5 to 0.6Hz), breathing noise (5Hz), power line interference(50Hz) and EMG noise(above 100Hz).Electrode Motion artifact noise can be reduced by minimizing movement made by the patient. High pass filter can be used to remove base line wander noise with cutoff frequency of 0.6 Hz. High pass filter can be used to remove breathing noise with cutoff frequency of 6 Hz.50 Hz power line interference can be removed using band stop filter. QRS detection is done using differentiation method. Scilab. is used for performing signal processing task of removing common noise in ECG signal. SNR of Input signals with base line wander noise, breathing and PLI noise when passed to FIR(high pass and band stop filter order 51) shows improvement in output SNR.

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Index Terms

Computer Science
Information Sciences


Base line wander noise breathing noise power line interference QRS detection Scilab