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Implementation of MVC (Model-View-Controller) Concept in Develop Management Information System for Transportation Fees (Uang Jalan Operasional) and Revenue in Trucking Companies

by Rehulina Tarigan, Andi Usri, Ahmad Surahmat
International Journal of Computer Applications
Foundation of Computer Science (FCS), NY, USA
Volume 175 - Number 29
Year of Publication: 2020
Authors: Rehulina Tarigan, Andi Usri, Ahmad Surahmat

Rehulina Tarigan, Andi Usri, Ahmad Surahmat . Implementation of MVC (Model-View-Controller) Concept in Develop Management Information System for Transportation Fees (Uang Jalan Operasional) and Revenue in Trucking Companies. International Journal of Computer Applications. 175, 29 ( Nov 2020), 1-8. DOI=10.5120/ijca2020920818

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The trucking business in Cilegon and Anyer - Indonesia is growing quite well in line with the growth of new middle and upper scale industries. The research case study was conducted at the logistics company PT. Buana Centra Swakarsa, one of whose business units is trucking, where supervision and control of transportation fees (Uang Jalan Operasional - UJO) must be carried out properly so as not to interfere with the company's cash flow. Along with the development of the trucking business, the company's data processing must be done systematically, stored in a database with an integrated system so that data storage and data retrieval processes can be done more easily and accurately. In running the trucking business unit, PT. Buana Centra Swakarsa performs data processing of transportation fees (UJO) and revenue using spreadsheets Ms. Excel. Processing data like this, results in reports to manager or management that are not realtime, billing to customers is often late, recruitment of drivers and assigning jobs to drivers is not transparent. It is necessary to develop a computer-based information system to overcome these problems. Apart from the problems above, the process in this trucking system also often changes because it adapts to the contract or customer needs. In the future, changes in business processes or system development will inevitably occur. The development of this system requires a large amount of effort for the programmer to carry out program maintenance or repairs. An idea emerged to develop a system using the MVC (Model-View-Controller) concept so that program maintenance and adding modules would be easier and faster, especially if the programmer had to resign. In this research, the author will use the MVC concept with the Codeigniter framework. The methodology used to collect and analyze data is Research and Development (R & D) by collecting reports that are used by users, observation and interviews. The software development method used in a series of software development activities is the Waterfall Model and business process modeling using UML (Unified Modeling Language).

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Index Terms

Computer Science
Information Sciences


Trucking Uang Jalan Operasional Model View Controller MVC Concept MVC Architecture