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Reseach Article

Qualitative Neuro Linguistic Programming using Meta Modeling and Python

by Arun Kumar, Supriya P. Panda
International Journal of Computer Applications
Foundation of Computer Science (FCS), NY, USA
Volume 175 - Number 26
Year of Publication: 2020
Authors: Arun Kumar, Supriya P. Panda

Arun Kumar, Supriya P. Panda . Qualitative Neuro Linguistic Programming using Meta Modeling and Python. International Journal of Computer Applications. 175, 26 ( Oct 2020), 20-24. DOI=10.5120/ijca2020920804

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Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP) is a way to change the behavioral patterns of the human mind. This technique is very useful to reduce the stress and anxiety patterns of the mind. These patterns are considered as negative sentiments of the human mind. The sentiments and emotions will become the programming of the human mind. The human brain tends to store each piece of information and make it programmed in a short interval of time. NLP is a vast area to recognize the emotional as well as practical aspects of the human mind. NLP Workshops and various training methods have been used to change and trained the behavioral patterns of the mind. V/KD used in earlier research and Meta-modeling in current research will be the important tools to convert the old patterns into new ones. This research paper will focus on the realistic mind pattern and improve it based on the current patterns of mind. NLP workshops and Qualitative surveys have been used in the methodology of the workshop. Data has been collected from various social communities and professional organizations. This research has been more impactful when used Meta modeling tools and Python for implementation. Meta-modeling tools are used to delete the old patterns of mind and create a new one as per the needs and requirements. A large number of participants attended the trial versions of NLP and enrolls themselves in NLP workshops to build new behavioral patterns. In this research, various NLP tools have been used to build new behavioral patterns of the human mind.

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Index Terms

Computer Science
Information Sciences


Neuro-Linguistic Programming Meta- Modeling Tools Qualitative Surveys Sentiment Detection Sentiment Correction Python