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Dynamic Trust Emergency Role-based Access Control (DTE-RBAC)

by Amar Arora, Anjana Gosain
International Journal of Computer Applications
Foundation of Computer Science (FCS), NY, USA
Volume 175 - Number 24
Year of Publication: 2020
Authors: Amar Arora, Anjana Gosain

Amar Arora, Anjana Gosain . Dynamic Trust Emergency Role-based Access Control (DTE-RBAC). International Journal of Computer Applications. 175, 24 ( Oct 2020), 20-24. DOI=10.5120/ijca2020920773

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Data Warehouse (DW) security has always been a critical challenge for DW designers because of its global reachability via public networks. In order to maintain trade-off among security and accessibility, Role-Based Access Control (RBAC) has been considered a balanced approach over time. However, RBAC being inflexible, makes way for a flexible approach like break-the-glass (BTG) for emergencies. It allows overriding of all access control policies during an emergency like a fire, etc. To prevent any misuse of emergencies in BTG, Emergency RBAC (E-RBAC) proposed a combination of flexibility of BTG and separation of duty (SOD) constraints. Here, SOD constraints help in limiting user access to a certain level. In order to prevent any misuse, E-RBAC only allows users with high trust levels to initiate emergencies. The trust levels of users are calculated based on predefined parameters like experience, training hours, and user skill attributes, and thus remain fixed for a user. Here, in this paper, a dynamic trust analysis of the user based on the actions taken by them during the acquired emergencies has been proposed. The trust of the user can be dynamically modified to a lower level in case the action of the user leads to a breach of trust. The dynamic trust level of users prevents the system from any further damage in case of attempted misuse of emergencies. This paper also proposes the DTE-RBAC model, which provides a complete security solution to deal with the situation of breach of trust by highly trusted users in an automated fashion.

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Index Terms

Computer Science
Information Sciences


Data Warehouse Security Role-Based Access Control Emergency RBAC.