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Tourism Information System as a Promotion Container of Tourism Business in North Sulawesi Province

by Yonatan Parassa, Mex U. Pesik, Toban T. Pairunan, Alma K. Pongtuluran
International Journal of Computer Applications
Foundation of Computer Science (FCS), NY, USA
Volume 175 - Number 23
Year of Publication: 2020
Authors: Yonatan Parassa, Mex U. Pesik, Toban T. Pairunan, Alma K. Pongtuluran

Yonatan Parassa, Mex U. Pesik, Toban T. Pairunan, Alma K. Pongtuluran . Tourism Information System as a Promotion Container of Tourism Business in North Sulawesi Province. International Journal of Computer Applications. 175, 23 ( Oct 2020), 45-47. DOI=10.5120/ijca2020920765

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%A Toban T. Pairunan
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%T Tourism Information System as a Promotion Container of Tourism Business in North Sulawesi Province
%J International Journal of Computer Applications
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The growth of North Sulawesi Pariwista reached the highest growth rate in the last four years, and was awarded The Rising Destination Of The Year 2019 from the ministry of tourism. The community as business actors is expected to improve the welfare of the tourism sector. One of the ways to improve the welfare of the tourism business can be done by promoting through digital platforms, considering that now is the era of industry 4.0. This study aims to design a tourism information system as a promotional platform for tourism businesses in North Sulawesi Province The design of a tourism information system as a promotional platform for business actors in North Sulawesi province is carried out using the enterprise architecture planning method The result of this research is the design of a tourism information system as a promotion containers of tourism business in north sulawesi province, built with due observance to the needs of tourism businesses that require promotional facilities via the internet so that they can be accessed by tourists and are expected to increase the income of tourism business actors in North Sulawesi Province.

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Index Terms

Computer Science
Information Sciences


Tourism Information System Promotion Containers Tourism Business North Sulawesi Province