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New Content based Image Retrieval using JEC and Lasso

by Samiksha Jain, Satish Pawar
International Journal of Computer Applications
Foundation of Computer Science (FCS), NY, USA
Volume 175 - Number 21
Year of Publication: 2020
Authors: Samiksha Jain, Satish Pawar

Samiksha Jain, Satish Pawar . New Content based Image Retrieval using JEC and Lasso. International Journal of Computer Applications. 175, 21 ( Sep 2020), 5-10. DOI=10.5120/ijca2020920730

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In current scenario with growing technologies as well as enhancement in the digital world, it has found itself surrounded by a huge quantity of data or information. To handle such huge amount of data/images will often creates difficulties while retrieving the data or images efficiently. One feasible solution to overcome such difficulties is data retrieval technique. Image retrieval is the process of retrieving images from a large database of digital images dataset. proposed method is done by three primitive methods namely through color, shape and texture other term process data based on color ,size and texture. In this paper extract the image from database based on size texture and color. The technique by which used on proposed Wavelet transform Joint equal contribution and lasso. For proposed method is firstly take query image and extract feature by using DWT and other algorithm and then match that data with exiting database and find similarity data from the database. In this paper is analysis different author work and proposed novel method to get better retrieval rate.

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Index Terms

Computer Science
Information Sciences


Content based image retrieval Joint equal contribution low level features High level features Color histogram