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Analysis of Tourist Information System Model in North Sulawesi Province

by Yonatan Parassa, Mex U. Pesik, Yohanis S. Rompon
International Journal of Computer Applications
Foundation of Computer Science (FCS), NY, USA
Volume 175 - Number 2
Year of Publication: 2017
Authors: Yonatan Parassa, Mex U. Pesik, Yohanis S. Rompon

Yonatan Parassa, Mex U. Pesik, Yohanis S. Rompon . Analysis of Tourist Information System Model in North Sulawesi Province. International Journal of Computer Applications. 175, 2 ( Oct 2017), 11-16. DOI=10.5120/ijca2017915479

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title = { Analysis of Tourist Information System Model in North Sulawesi Province },
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So far, information on tourism object in North Sulawesi Province especially accessed through internet site is still limited. Seekers of information on tourist attractions must access some internet sites to get the required information. The problem of this research is how the model of tourist information system that can record, process and present information about the tourist attraction in North Sulawesi Province and presents according to the needs of the searcher. Several methods are used to generate the model of tourist information system, beginning with conducting surveys, making observations on internet sites that provide tourist information. From the data collection steps are then analyzed to get the system needs of the tourist object. The data obtained is used as a reference for designing using several design tools that are use case, Entity relationalship diagram, context diagrm, data flow diagram, and Flowchart. The results of this study is a model / design that is very helpful development of tourist information systems that can help tourism development sector in North Sulawesi Province.

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Index Terms

Computer Science
Information Sciences


Model information system tourist object.