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Textual Summarization of Text and Multimedia Data using LDA Algorithm

by Prajakta Bharat Deshmukh, S. S. Shiravale
International Journal of Computer Applications
Foundation of Computer Science (FCS), NY, USA
Volume 175 - Number 14
Year of Publication: 2020
Authors: Prajakta Bharat Deshmukh, S. S. Shiravale

Prajakta Bharat Deshmukh, S. S. Shiravale . Textual Summarization of Text and Multimedia Data using LDA Algorithm. International Journal of Computer Applications. 175, 14 ( Aug 2020), 42-48. DOI=10.5120/ijca2020920639

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Index Terms

Computer Science
Information Sciences


Summarization Multimedia Multi-modal Cross-modal Natural Language Processing Computer Vision OCR Technique Automatic Speech Recognition.