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Ubiquitous Health Care Monitoring Services (UHCMS): Review of Opportunities and Challenges

by Norah I. Alsaeed, Nouf S. Aldahwan
International Journal of Computer Applications
Foundation of Computer Science (FCS), NY, USA
Volume 175 - Number 13
Year of Publication: 2020
Authors: Norah I. Alsaeed, Nouf S. Aldahwan

Norah I. Alsaeed, Nouf S. Aldahwan . Ubiquitous Health Care Monitoring Services (UHCMS): Review of Opportunities and Challenges. International Journal of Computer Applications. 175, 13 ( Aug 2020), 42-46. DOI=10.5120/ijca2020920631

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Expansion in government spending on healthcare that is driven by an increasing population, limited economic and human capital plus the rise in the prevalence of chronic diseases are seen as the causes for the growing pressure on health care institutions. As technology advances, health care providers are now shifting toward ubiquitous health care systems. Since, hospitals can decrease the daily pressure by moving the simple medical tasks and regular checks to the home which is called Ubiquitous Health Care Monitoring System (UHCMS). This study aims to review UHCMS literature for the last two years to understand the researches` contributions and shortages in this field and discuss the literature gap for further investigations.

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Index Terms

Computer Science
Information Sciences


Ubiquitous computing Ubiquitous health care health care monitoring systems IoT-based health care services.