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Software-based Diagnostic Approach for Detection of Malaria Parasite in Blood

by Adetokunbo A. Adenowo, Adesoji A. Awobajo, Sheriff Alimi
International Journal of Computer Applications
Foundation of Computer Science (FCS), NY, USA
Volume 175 - Number 12
Year of Publication: 2020
Authors: Adetokunbo A. Adenowo, Adesoji A. Awobajo, Sheriff Alimi

Adetokunbo A. Adenowo, Adesoji A. Awobajo, Sheriff Alimi . Software-based Diagnostic Approach for Detection of Malaria Parasite in Blood. International Journal of Computer Applications. 175, 12 ( Aug 2020), 17-23. DOI=10.5120/ijca2020920600

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Malaria is a serious global health problem. Its diagnosis is prevalently done manually using conventional compound light microscopy. However, this traditional approach is time consuming, tiresome, gives variation in results and requires skilled personnel which may not be available everywhere and anytime. To overcome these challenges and provide a reliable alternative, a software-based approach is proposed. The approach is underpinned by image analysis techniques; it aims the detection and diagnosis (or screening) of malaria infection in microscopic images of stained thin blood film smears. Thus, the proposed approach combines selected pre-processing, segmentation, feature extraction and edge detection schemes to distinguish malaria cells in order to identify malaria parasites in stained plasmodium images. Ninety-two (92) images of infected and non-infected plasmodium parasites were acquired (in three categories: downloaded, snapped and digitally acquired images), pre-processed, segmented, relevant features extracted and diagnosis made based on features extracted from the images. The accuracy of the approach was tested. Results show that this approach achieved 91.3% accuracy level, 96.6% sensitivity, and 94.4% positive predictive value. The level of outcome suggests that the software approach can be successfully used for malaria detection.

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Index Terms

Computer Science
Information Sciences


Algorithm Feature Extraction Image Processing Malaria Malaria Cell Parasite Count Plasmodium Pre-processing Segmentation.