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Collaborative Business Intelligence on the Cloud

by Mai Kasem, Ehab E. Hassanein, Hesham H. M. Hassan
International Journal of Computer Applications
Foundation of Computer Science (FCS), NY, USA
Volume 175 - Number 12
Year of Publication: 2020
Authors: Mai Kasem, Ehab E. Hassanein, Hesham H. M. Hassan

Mai Kasem, Ehab E. Hassanein, Hesham H. M. Hassan . Collaborative Business Intelligence on the Cloud. International Journal of Computer Applications. 175, 12 ( Aug 2020), 5-16. DOI=10.5120/ijca2020920578

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Business Intelligence (BI) solutions help organizations make strategic, informed, and effective decisions via analysing and reporting the organisation’s data; the better the data quality, the more accurate and informative the reports are. However, in the real-world complex business landscape, the data from a single organization may not be enough to generate an informed and effective strategic decision. Furthermore, most of the traditional BI solutions are built to serve a single organization; they use the organization’s local data to generate decisions, which could lead to incomplete or non-holistic results leading to non-accurate decisions. Collaborative Business Intelligence (CBI) solutions resolve this challenge by extending the decision-making process beyond the organization’s boundaries. One of the technologies that can make the CBI solutions more accessible is Cloud Computing. Binding two technologies, such as Business Intelligence and Cloud Computing, helps in extending the CBI solutions to reach more users via cloud accessible services. It could also simplify the way different organizations are connected, and the way the data sharing is governed. This paper introduces a new framework called Collaborative Business Intelligence on the Cloud (CBIC). It utilizes the use of CBI solutions and Cloud Computing service to enable users – who have a data sharing agreement – to connect their data warehouses through a cloud BI service and help them run business intelligence functionalities on their data.

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Index Terms

Computer Science
Information Sciences


Cloud Business Intelligence Collaborative Business Intelligence.