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Survey paper on Different Speech Recognition Algorithm: Challenges and Techniques

by Ayushi Y. Vadwala, Krina A. Suthar, Yesha A. Karmakar, Nirali Pandya
International Journal of Computer Applications
Foundation of Computer Science (FCS), NY, USA
Volume 175 - Number 1
Year of Publication: 2017
Authors: Ayushi Y. Vadwala, Krina A. Suthar, Yesha A. Karmakar, Nirali Pandya

Ayushi Y. Vadwala, Krina A. Suthar, Yesha A. Karmakar, Nirali Pandya . Survey paper on Different Speech Recognition Algorithm: Challenges and Techniques. International Journal of Computer Applications. 175, 1 ( Oct 2017), 31-36. DOI=10.5120/ijca2017915472

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title = { Survey paper on Different Speech Recognition Algorithm: Challenges and Techniques },
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%A Krina A. Suthar
%A Yesha A. Karmakar
%A Nirali Pandya
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The Speech is most major & prime mode of Communication among human beings. The communication among human and computer is referred as human computer interface. Speech can be used to commune with computer. The speech recognition research is becoming more and more determined. Today, researchers are trying to making an effort to extend the capabilities of what computers can do with the spoken words. This paper consists of the classification of algorithms through which an uttered word can be converted to computer intelligible form. The challenges in speech recognition will be enumerated and analyzed for the most popular recognition techniques used today. The analysis ends with a brief description of some of the applications of speech recognition.

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Index Terms

Computer Science
Information Sciences


Speech Recognition Hidden Markov Model Artificial Intelligence Pattern Recognition Neural Network.