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Investigating Technology Awareness and Usage in Mauritian SMEs in the Handicraft Sector

by Baby Gobin- Rahimbux, Zarine Cadersaib, Nuzhah Gooda Sahib, Maleika Heenaye- Mamode Khan
International Journal of Computer Applications
Foundation of Computer Science (FCS), NY, USA
Volume 174 - Number 7
Year of Publication: 2017
Authors: Baby Gobin- Rahimbux, Zarine Cadersaib, Nuzhah Gooda Sahib, Maleika Heenaye- Mamode Khan

Baby Gobin- Rahimbux, Zarine Cadersaib, Nuzhah Gooda Sahib, Maleika Heenaye- Mamode Khan . Investigating Technology Awareness and Usage in Mauritian SMEs in the Handicraft Sector. International Journal of Computer Applications. 174, 7 ( Sep 2017), 41-48. DOI=10.5120/ijca2017915437

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issue_date = { Sep 2017 },
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%A Nuzhah Gooda Sahib
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%T Investigating Technology Awareness and Usage in Mauritian SMEs in the Handicraft Sector
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Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) significantly contribute to economic growth of any country. In fact, in Mauritius, there are many SMEs but these SMEs face several challenges which could partially be solved through technology adoption. However, it has been observed by that there is low technology usage by these SMEs despite several initiative from the Mauritian government. Moreover, our investigation in this study revealed that there was no concrete research regarding the IT usage or the factors affecting technology adoption by SMEs in Mauritius. The motivation for this paper is therefore set towards this direction in an attempt to contribute in this area and to identify the barriers related to technology acceptance and adoption in Mauritius in the handicraft sector. A literature review has been conducted to identify various factors/components affecting technology adoption among SMEs which have been used as a driver for conducting the survey. The survey results are then discussed focusing on awareness and usage.

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Index Terms

Computer Science
Information Sciences


Technology Awareness Technology Acceptance Technology Usage SMEs Handicraft Sector