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Performance Analysis of SVM Classification Model for Diagnosis of Alzheimer’s Disease

by Rajasree R.S., S. Brintha Rajakumari, Gajanan Babhulkar, Madhuri Gurale
International Journal of Computer Applications
Foundation of Computer Science (FCS), NY, USA
Volume 174 - Number 27
Year of Publication: 2021
Authors: Rajasree R.S., S. Brintha Rajakumari, Gajanan Babhulkar, Madhuri Gurale

Rajasree R.S., S. Brintha Rajakumari, Gajanan Babhulkar, Madhuri Gurale . Performance Analysis of SVM Classification Model for Diagnosis of Alzheimer’s Disease. International Journal of Computer Applications. 174, 27 ( Mar 2021), 37-40. DOI=10.5120/ijca2021921144

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%T Performance Analysis of SVM Classification Model for Diagnosis of Alzheimer’s Disease
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Alzheimer’s disease (AD) is a type of Dementia which affects the brain and causes memory loss. It disrupts a person’s ability to function independently. In this paper we have considered some measures such as Age, MMSE scores, whole brain volume and endocrinal volume. In our work, we have proposed a classification model using SVM model and anlaysed the performance of SVM model for different kernel methods. Moreover a five fold cross validation approach is used to improve the performance oof the model. The results shows that linear and polynomial kernel methods give a classification accuracy of 73.2% and AUC of 0.7.

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Index Terms

Computer Science
Information Sciences


Alzheimer’s Disease (AD) MiniMental State Examination (MMSE) Dementia Support Vector Machine(SVM)