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Intelligent System for Diagnosing and Fixing Automatic Washing Machine Malfunctions for Industrial Technical Education in Egypt

by Mohamed. R. Alkotby, Elsaeed. E. Mohamed Abd Elrazek, M.Z. Rashad, M.M.R. Elbasyouny
International Journal of Computer Applications
Foundation of Computer Science (FCS), NY, USA
Volume 174 - Number 27
Year of Publication: 2021
Authors: Mohamed. R. Alkotby, Elsaeed. E. Mohamed Abd Elrazek, M.Z. Rashad, M.M.R. Elbasyouny

Mohamed. R. Alkotby, Elsaeed. E. Mohamed Abd Elrazek, M.Z. Rashad, M.M.R. Elbasyouny . Intelligent System for Diagnosing and Fixing Automatic Washing Machine Malfunctions for Industrial Technical Education in Egypt. International Journal of Computer Applications. 174, 27 ( Mar 2021), 19-28. DOI=10.5120/ijca2021921198

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title = { Intelligent System for Diagnosing and Fixing Automatic Washing Machine Malfunctions for Industrial Technical Education in Egypt },
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%A Elsaeed. E. Mohamed Abd Elrazek
%A M.Z. Rashad
%A M.M.R. Elbasyouny
%T Intelligent System for Diagnosing and Fixing Automatic Washing Machine Malfunctions for Industrial Technical Education in Egypt
%J International Journal of Computer Applications
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This paper aims to introduce a design of an intelligent system (IS) to help students of industrial technical education to diagnose and fix automatic washing machine malfunctions (AWMM), With the huge development in the manufacture of home appliances and their components, there has been a merger between several areas such as electronics specialist, refrigeration and air conditioning specialist. (They are the two specializations entrusted with repairing home appliances in the Egyptian labor market) Which has created a huge gap between the knowledge and skills of students of these two specialties in industrial technical education (ITE) schools and labor market requires. So it became necessary to employ the technology of artificial intelligence (AI) to help these students to keep abreast of the tremendous developments taking place in the field of manufacturing various home appliances, by designing the proposed intelligent system (IS) to save time and effort needed to process the various malfunctions of the automatic washing machine. We noticed that skills of students are improved in dealing with malfunctions.

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Index Terms

Computer Science
Information Sciences


Intelligent systems (IS) Industrial Technical Education (ITE) Automatic Washing Machine Malfunctions (AWMM) Artificial Intelligence (AI).