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Quality Standards Maintenance using Electronic Sensors in Dairy Products

by Priya M., Namratha S., Asha R.K., Bhuvaneshwari M., K. Ezhilarasan
International Journal of Computer Applications
Foundation of Computer Science (FCS), NY, USA
Volume 174 - Number 22
Year of Publication: 2021
Authors: Priya M., Namratha S., Asha R.K., Bhuvaneshwari M., K. Ezhilarasan

Priya M., Namratha S., Asha R.K., Bhuvaneshwari M., K. Ezhilarasan . Quality Standards Maintenance using Electronic Sensors in Dairy Products. International Journal of Computer Applications. 174, 22 ( Feb 2021), 20-24. DOI=10.5120/ijca2021921118

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Milk is one of the best sources of immunity. It is consumed by people of all ages. It gives immunity to fight against various diseases. However, a few people deliberately add particular substances to milk to decrease its quality and thereby adulterate it. These substances are called as defilements. The adulteration of milk implies that the quantity of milk is being increased by adding some common adulterants such as flour, detergents etc thereby leading to compromise in quality. These adulterants can cause damage to the organs of our body. The immediate effect of drinking adulterated milk with urea, caustic soda and formalin is gastroenteritis and the long-term effects are known to be far more serious. Therefore in order to get rid of these problems or at least reduce them to a significant level, newer schemes need to be implemented by bringing in sensor based techniques in the field of detection of adulteration system. Our aim is to identify certain adulterants present in milk and its products such as flour, detergents, formaldehyde, acidic substances such as urea with the help of smart electronic sensors.

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Index Terms

Computer Science
Information Sciences


Milk quality of milk adulterants sensors ph pollutants