International Journal of Computer Applications |
Foundation of Computer Science (FCS), NY, USA |
Volume 174 - Number 17 |
Year of Publication: 2021 |
Authors: I. Dewa Gede Hari Wisana, Priyambada Cahya Nugraha, Dwiana Estiwidani |
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I. Dewa Gede Hari Wisana, Priyambada Cahya Nugraha, Dwiana Estiwidani . Design Oxygen Saturation Monitoring in Telemedicine Smartphone System (TmSS). International Journal of Computer Applications. 174, 17 ( Feb 2021), 42-45. DOI=10.5120/ijca2021921062
Oxygen Saturation alludes to the measure of oxygen that is in your circulatory system. The body requires a particular measure of oxygen in your blood to work appropriately. The typical scope of oxygen immersion for grown-ups is 94 to 99 percent. The reason for this examination is to plan oxygen Saturation with the Android interface. This gadget permits the Patient’s to get a particular measure of oxygen in the blood. This gadget utilized a utilizations a fingertip sensor to recognize oxygen Saturation in the blood. The microcontroller utilizes an Arduino chip combining with AT-Mega328P. Bluetooth HC-05 used to send Oxygen Saturation information to Android, MIT application creator utilized for the android program. In view of the consequences of testing and estimation at that point contrast and another gadget, the after effects of the average were 2.22%.