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High Speed Optimum WSN Routing using Modified Distance Measure based Clustering: HSO-SAA

by Priyanka Chourey, Imran Ali Khan
International Journal of Computer Applications
Foundation of Computer Science (FCS), NY, USA
Volume 174 - Number 17
Year of Publication: 2021
Authors: Priyanka Chourey, Imran Ali Khan

Priyanka Chourey, Imran Ali Khan . High Speed Optimum WSN Routing using Modified Distance Measure based Clustering: HSO-SAA. International Journal of Computer Applications. 174, 17 ( Feb 2021), 19-24. DOI=10.5120/ijca2021921057

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%T High Speed Optimum WSN Routing using Modified Distance Measure based Clustering: HSO-SAA
%J International Journal of Computer Applications
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In the recent times wireless sensors network (WSN) are opted for acquiring the sensor data to improve the performance. Sleep and awake based routing is efficient way of increasing the life of networks which is restricted by power availability of sensors. But conventional sleep aware and awake based methods are relatively computationally slow. Therefore, this paper proposes a modified absolute distance measure for clustering based routing. It is proposed to enhance the execution speed and energy efficiency of the conventional protocol. Therefore, this paper proposes to design an efficient routing algorithm HSO-SAA for the WSN networks via examination and testing of numerous state of art routing protocols related to WSN. The optimum parametric selection approach is used for increasing energy efficiency of routing protocol. Various experimentations had been performed in order to evaluate the performance of proposed optimum design along with existing clustering based protocols. Performance is compared based on the network life time, alive nodes, latency as FND, and the number of packets transmitted. Overall proposed energy model is good enough to improve the energy uses of WSN.

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Index Terms

Computer Science
Information Sciences


Energy Efficiency Wireless Sensor network Clustering Routing Protocols Heterogeneity. Network Lifetime