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Reseach Article

Risk Management Analysison Administration System using OCTAVE Allegro Framework

by Muh. Sukri, Imam Riadi
International Journal of Computer Applications
Foundation of Computer Science (FCS), NY, USA
Volume 174 - Number 17
Year of Publication: 2021
Authors: Muh. Sukri, Imam Riadi

Muh. Sukri, Imam Riadi . Risk Management Analysison Administration System using OCTAVE Allegro Framework. International Journal of Computer Applications. 174, 17 ( Feb 2021), 5-11. DOI=10.5120/ijca2021920981

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Ahmad Dahlan University KKN services have been managed using an information system that can manage KKN services at Ahmad Dahlan University, for example KKN scheduling, determining KKN groups and determining the location and field supervisors for each unit. This system is called SIMKAT UAD (Service and community information system), SIMKAT UAD allows risks that can interfere with information assets and organizational goals. This study uses the OCTAVE Allegro framework. OCTAVE Allegro has eight stages, namely building risk measurement criteria, developing information asset profiles, identifying containers of information assets, identifying areas of concern, identifying threat scenarios, identifying risks, analyzing risks, and choosing a mitigation approach. Organizations have choices, namely accept, defer, or reduce (mitigate) the risks that may occur. Based on the final results of interviews and risk assessments conducted at the Institute for Research and Community Service (LPPM UAD) obtained The result with the mitigate approach is 4, accept number 1, and defer amount to 2. And the highest relative risk value is obtained in the physical container with the number 32, namely the occurrence of a natural disaster which causes the service to stop while the lowest relative value is obtained on the technical container, namely: disruption Services due to crashes on the service system or operating system, Misuse of access rights such as username and password. If known by other parties, other than administrators, security gaps are exploited by other parties. Each of them number 19.

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Index Terms

Computer Science
Information Sciences


Risk Management OCTAVE Allegro