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An Approach for Developing Diabetes Prediction and Recommendation System

by Saima Sultana, Abdullah Al Momen, Mohoshi Haque, Mahmudul Hasan Khandaker, Nazmus Sakib
International Journal of Computer Applications
Foundation of Computer Science (FCS), NY, USA
Volume 174 - Number 14
Year of Publication: 2021
Authors: Saima Sultana, Abdullah Al Momen, Mohoshi Haque, Mahmudul Hasan Khandaker, Nazmus Sakib

Saima Sultana, Abdullah Al Momen, Mohoshi Haque, Mahmudul Hasan Khandaker, Nazmus Sakib . An Approach for Developing Diabetes Prediction and Recommendation System. International Journal of Computer Applications. 174, 14 ( Jan 2021), 20-28. DOI=10.5120/ijca2021921033

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Diabetes is a severe, enduring disorder with a huge impact on the existence and health of individuals and the people around them. It happens due to insufficient production of insulin in human body. After investigating the dangers of diabetes, it can be said that diagnosing diabetes with basic medical information at early stage of diabetes can help patients to control it and also predicting the probability of having diabetes can really decrease the number of diabetic patients in future. So, for the prediction of this disease, Multiple Linear Regression (MLR) has been used. To implement this model, some basic medical information of a person have been used as parameters. 83% accuracy has been achieved using this model. A set of suggestions using the Reinforcement Learning also have been generated to help the diabetic patients to control this disease.

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Index Terms

Computer Science
Information Sciences


Diabetes Mellitus Prediction System Recommendation System Multiple Linear Regression (MLR) Simple Linear Regression Age Body Mass Index (BMI) Blood Pressure Blood Sugar Exercise Time and Sleeping Time.