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A Novel Approach towards Rating Free-Text Responses in Job Recruitment

by Sarvesh Relekar, Sayak Ray
International Journal of Computer Applications
Foundation of Computer Science (FCS), NY, USA
Volume 174 - Number 14
Year of Publication: 2021
Authors: Sarvesh Relekar, Sayak Ray

Sarvesh Relekar, Sayak Ray . A Novel Approach towards Rating Free-Text Responses in Job Recruitment. International Journal of Computer Applications. 174, 14 ( Jan 2021), 1-8. DOI=10.5120/ijca2021921048

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The use of chatbots has become mainstream in the field of staffing and recruitment. It has been observed that candidates tend to be much more at ease when interacting with chatbots. The responses provided by the candidates to the questions posed to them via chatbots are evaluated on the basis of various parameters by human evaluators who may have a subjective bias towards what defines a good response. This is especially the case, when it comes to evaluating free-text responses to open-ended questions that have little to no domain constraints. To overcome this hurdle involving human bias, we propose an alternate approach that utilizes modern techniques in the fields of Natural Language Processing and Deep Learning to develop an algorithm that rates free text responses in an impartial manner on the basis of the mood/sentiment expressed by the candidate, the grammatical accuracy of the answer and the relevance of the response w.r.t. the question asked while penalizing it for the presence of any negation or grammatical error, thus acting as a baseline model that aims to achieve the stated task. This algorithm thus sets a common standard towards what can be considered a good response thereby overcoming the hurdle arising from human perspective and establishing a criterion for evaluating free text responses.

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Index Terms

Computer Science
Information Sciences


Automated Free-Text Grading Natural Language Processing Deep Learning Data Science