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Google Duplex - A Big Leap in the Evolution of Artificial Intelligence

by Parth Patel, Pratik Kanani
International Journal of Computer Applications
Foundation of Computer Science (FCS), NY, USA
Volume 174 - Number 13
Year of Publication: 2021
Authors: Parth Patel, Pratik Kanani

Parth Patel, Pratik Kanani . Google Duplex - A Big Leap in the Evolution of Artificial Intelligence. International Journal of Computer Applications. 174, 13 ( Jan 2021), 25-27. DOI=10.5120/ijca2021921019

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Google CEO Sundar Pichai launched Google Du- plex on May 2018 at Google I/O developer conference. He demonstrated how the system functioned with an AI-driven voice to achieve its objective, which is to help individuals make appointments to various organizations via mobile phone, without any involvement from the client. Pichai’s demo indicated that AI voice would comprehend the voice of the human on the opposite side of the call and react back with right responses to that individual’s requests and inquiries. Google Duplex’s voice would even use words like “um” and take breaks while answering to make it sound much more like a genuine human. This research is aimed at enhancing people’s understanding of the Google Duplex and other similar and relevant research published in the domains of Human Computer Interaction and Artificial Intelligence.

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  4. M. Nagda, P. Mehta, S. Lamba, P. Kanani, “Gamification in Plant Education for Children”, International Journal of Psychosocial Rehabilitation, Hampstead Psychological Associates (2020), pp.8845-8858
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  6. Wavenet generative model Raw Audio Deepmind AI [Online]. Availabe:
  7. Yi Zhao1, (Student Member, IEEE), Shinji Takaki 2, (Member, IEEE), Hieu-Thi Luong2 (Student Member, IEEE), Junichi Yamagishi2,3,(Senior Member, IEEE), Daisuke Saito1 (Member, IEEE), Nobuaki Minematsu1, (Member, IEEE), 'Wasserstein GAN and Waveform Loss-based Acoustic Model Training for Multi-speaker Text-to-Speech Systems Using a WaveNet Vocoder'.
  8. Diemo Schwarz Current research in concatenative sound synthesis International Computer Music Conference (ICMC)
Index Terms

Computer Science
Information Sciences


Google Duplex WaveNet Google Automatic Speech Recognition