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Reseach Article

Mining Developer Questions about Major NoSQL Databases

by Saiful Islam, Khalid Hasan, Rifat Shahriyar
International Journal of Computer Applications
Foundation of Computer Science (FCS), NY, USA
Volume 174 - Number 13
Year of Publication: 2021
Authors: Saiful Islam, Khalid Hasan, Rifat Shahriyar

Saiful Islam, Khalid Hasan, Rifat Shahriyar . Mining Developer Questions about Major NoSQL Databases. International Journal of Computer Applications. 174, 13 ( Jan 2021), 1-8. DOI=10.5120/ijca2021921021

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author = { Saiful Islam, Khalid Hasan, Rifat Shahriyar },
title = { Mining Developer Questions about Major NoSQL Databases },
journal = { International Journal of Computer Applications },
issue_date = { Jan 2021 },
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number = { 13 },
month = { Jan },
year = { 2021 },
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%A Rifat Shahriyar
%T Mining Developer Questions about Major NoSQL Databases
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%I Foundation of Computer Science (FCS), NY, USA

NoSQL databases are quickly becoming more and more popular among developers. While RDBMS is still the most popular, the NoSQL camp is closing in the gap. To bridge this gap, we aim to carry out the first empirical software engineering research on NoSQL databases using Stack Overflow posts. Being one of the leading question-answering sites available, Stack Overflow has become a helpful resource in numerous software engineering research. In this paper, we chose five NoSQL databases, MongoDB, Cassandra, Redis, Neo4j, and HBase, based on their popularity and the increasing number of posts on Stack Overflow. We extracted the relevant questions and investigated different challenges and issues faced by the developers of NoSQL databases and the various domains the NoSQL databases are used by mining questions asked on Stack Overflow.We sorted the issues by popularity and difficulty metrics and observed the different nature of difficulty and popularity. We found that connection issues and integration are the most common difficult issues the developer of NoSQL databases faced. We also found that Cassandra, HBase, and Neo4j are very popular among Java developers, MongoDB and Redis are very popular among node.js developers, and Cassandra and HBase are very popular for big data systems. Our findings will help better understand the challenges, requirements, and specific applications of the NoSQL databases.

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Index Terms

Computer Science
Information Sciences


NoSQL Database Stack Overflow LDA