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Quality of Service Optimization based on HRM: A Case Study in Cameroonian Public Service

by Abessolo Alo'o Ghislain, Atsa Etoundi Roger, Monthe Djiadeu Valery
International Journal of Computer Applications
Foundation of Computer Science (FCS), NY, USA
Volume 174 - Number 11
Year of Publication: 2021
Authors: Abessolo Alo'o Ghislain, Atsa Etoundi Roger, Monthe Djiadeu Valery

Abessolo Alo'o Ghislain, Atsa Etoundi Roger, Monthe Djiadeu Valery . Quality of Service Optimization based on HRM: A Case Study in Cameroonian Public Service. International Journal of Computer Applications. 174, 11 ( Jan 2021), 10-19. DOI=10.5120/ijca2021920980

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The search for a better quality of service in a changing environment requires governments to have more flexibility in the organization of work, a good grasp of emerging technologies and also a better consideration of human resources. The effectiveness of these resources will be even greater if they have the feeling of contributing in the search for solutions on new ways of producing services. Faced with economic, social and technological challenges, the quality of human resource management is a key success factor. The human resources management policy is often seen as less innovative and not dynamic; though many experts argue that improving quality of public service requires putting in place a stimulating human resource management, effective and motivating to state agents. Therefore, human resource management is seen as key with respect to competitiveness of administrations. The basis of optimal management of human resources depends on a good appointment policy to work-posts. Indeed, governments in developing countries do not always produce the desired quality of service, for most human resources are not allocated according to their skill. While it is true that developing countries have embarked on extensive reform projects on the simplification of administrative procedures, it is especially important that a good policy be defined in order to assign skilled resources at work-posts in order to better perform those simplified procedures. However, it has been shown that the assignments and appointments, although discretionary in the public administration, are made arbitrarily and do not always permit to have the appropriated human resources at the appropriated places. Based on administrative business process modeling, this paper presents a protocol to ensure optimum assignment of human resources at work-posts in order to improve quality of service in public administration. For a given work-post, the protocol lists all human resources able to occupy this work-post by level of competence and experience in order to facilitate the choices of decision makers.

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Index Terms

Computer Science
Information Sciences


Human Resource Management Quality of Service Improvement Competence and Experience Management Administrative business process modeling Human Resources Assignment Work-posts Allocation Human Resources Load Balancing