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MobileMonkey - A Contextual Stress Testing Framework for Android Application

by Rayhanur Rahman, Amit Seal Ami, Kazi Sakib
International Journal of Computer Applications
Foundation of Computer Science (FCS), NY, USA
Volume 172 - Number 9
Year of Publication: 2017
Authors: Rayhanur Rahman, Amit Seal Ami, Kazi Sakib

Rayhanur Rahman, Amit Seal Ami, Kazi Sakib . MobileMonkey - A Contextual Stress Testing Framework for Android Application. International Journal of Computer Applications. 172, 9 ( Aug 2017), 1-7. DOI=10.5120/ijca2017915210

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Development of Android Apps is inherently challenging as difficulties arise in tracing bugs and crashes due to GUI based event driven work flow, contextual scenarios and diversified sources of inputs working together. In order to alleviate developer’s challenges in this regard, a state of the art contextual stress testing framework of Android apps namedMobileMonkey is proposed. This framework facilitates developers to analyze Android apps using automatic stress inputs and contextual scenario generation with an inherent aim to invoke bugs or crashes, devised by a systematic and strategic execution of static analysis in a cohesive manner, which in essence, provides developers with plenty of insight regarding what went wrong based on data-intense crash logs, traceable trajectories of execution and replayable as well as replicable scripts. We evaluated MobileMonkeys effectiveness in comparison with industry standard Android app stress testing tool on 30 Android apps, 15 of which are heavily utilized real world android apps. The results demonstrate that MobileMonkey consistently performs better than the industry standard tool for stress testing in a diverse range of scenarios. Additionally, MobileMonkey is created to be resource friendly, horizontally scalable and non reliant on specific versions of Android Standard Development Kit, thus automatically becoming a better choice for being integrated as stress testing framework at any stage of Android app development.

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Index Terms

Computer Science
Information Sciences


Android Software Testing Stress Testing Contextual Testing