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Reseach Article

Android Apllication Design for Smart Home Control

by Sukandar Sawidin, Sulastri Eksan, Ali A. S. Ramschie
International Journal of Computer Applications
Foundation of Computer Science (FCS), NY, USA
Volume 172 - Number 4
Year of Publication: 2017
Authors: Sukandar Sawidin, Sulastri Eksan, Ali A. S. Ramschie

Sukandar Sawidin, Sulastri Eksan, Ali A. S. Ramschie . Android Apllication Design for Smart Home Control. International Journal of Computer Applications. 172, 4 ( Aug 2017), 25-31. DOI=10.5120/ijca2017915127

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Nowadays, controlling electronic devices at home become more easy because in general electronic devices already have integrated with Android smartphone device. This research aims to create a smart home control system that can facilitate human activities at home such as turning on and off the lights, open and close the door, set the room temperature, maintain home security, open and close the fence gate with Android smartphone as a remote alsoArduino Uno Microcontroller as control system which is using bluetooth as communication media. Testing result shows that this application using Android smartphones can replace the function of switch. The distance of the android smartphone with the module Buetooth-HC05 to control the electronic devices does not exceed 10 meters. Response time when the android switch is pressed for a distance of 1-5 meters is 0.3 seconds and for a distance of 5-10 meters is 0.5 seconds.

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Index Terms

Computer Science
Information Sciences


Arduino Uno Bluetooth HC-05 Sensor Temperature and Laser.