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Employee Adoption of E-Procurement and its Implication on Supply Chain in Developing Countries

by Martin Mabeifam Ujakpa, Rajesh Arora, Aussie K. N. Mutalya, Laina Namulo
International Journal of Computer Applications
Foundation of Computer Science (FCS), NY, USA
Volume 171 - Number 9
Year of Publication: 2017
Authors: Martin Mabeifam Ujakpa, Rajesh Arora, Aussie K. N. Mutalya, Laina Namulo

Martin Mabeifam Ujakpa, Rajesh Arora, Aussie K. N. Mutalya, Laina Namulo . Employee Adoption of E-Procurement and its Implication on Supply Chain in Developing Countries. International Journal of Computer Applications. 171, 9 ( Aug 2017), 11-15. DOI=10.5120/ijca2017914850

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The main objective of this study is to examine the adoption of e-procurement and it’s implication on supply chain of multinational Oil Companies using Ghana as a case study. The research employed the mixed research approach. Using a sample size of 37, data was collected and analysed. The research revealed that procurement activities in ENI oil Exploration Company involves effective planning, sourcing, and contract management. It also found that e-procurement has been adopted by employees in ENI oil Exploration Company to a large extent. Factors influencing the implementation of e-procurement in the supply chain of ENI are primarily user acceptance of new information system, as well as Information quality, trust, and risk perception. Mean ranking revealed that the major implication of e-procurement on the supply chain include centralized purchasing function, decrease in size of buying centre, altered vendors and suppliers relationship, ability to measure and monitor orders, sales personnel ability to check all sales related information on his/her computer and employees empowerment to manage purchasing and cost saving. General terms Multinational Firms, Transaction Management

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Index Terms

Computer Science
Information Sciences


E-procurement Supply Chain Sourcing and Maverick buying practice