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Acquiring the Best Page using Query Term Synonym Combination

by Lobo L. M. R. J, R. S. Bichkar
International Journal of Computer Applications
Foundation of Computer Science (FCS), NY, USA
Volume 170 - Number 2
Year of Publication: 2017
Authors: Lobo L. M. R. J, R. S. Bichkar

Lobo L. M. R. J, R. S. Bichkar . Acquiring the Best Page using Query Term Synonym Combination. International Journal of Computer Applications. 170, 2 ( Jul 2017), 18-23. DOI=10.5120/ijca2017914698

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A large amount of information is available on the web. Generating relevant information from the web for a user has become a question of great concern. This information is made available to the user by search engines as per the query given by a user. Search engines return pages depending on a ranking algorithm based on links, to and from the page and on how popular a page is, with respect to the hits received by users. In most cases the pages returned are too many and irrelevant. It is therefore necessary to use a technique that caters to relevance of the page returned with respect to the query fired by a user. A system associated with use of synonyms of terms in the query has proved to be useful. A combination of such synonyms fired to a search engine has returned relevant information pages. In most cases it has also generated a better page than an individual search engine. The present paper reflects on how synonyms of terms generated from the query are crossed over and fired to the search engine to generate more relevant semantic associated pages. These pages are then tested against the pages returned by the individual search engine with use of the original query using a standard page ranking tool. The pages are also examined for relevance to specific users and usefulness of content to a specific domain. The pages are examined for their positions using ranking tools, trustworthiness tools and intent drifting. It is found that the pages returned using the method of combining synonyms of terms of the user query are placed at better ranking positions. An analysis of the pages returned also indicates relevance to user, usefulness of content to specific domains and possibility of intent drift.

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Computer Science
Information Sciences


Best Page relevance users’ interest synonyms ranking.