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Reseach Article

JSON Integration in Relational Database Systems

by Dušan Petković
International Journal of Computer Applications
Foundation of Computer Science (FCS), NY, USA
Volume 168 - Number 5
Year of Publication: 2017
Authors: Dušan Petković

Dušan Petković . JSON Integration in Relational Database Systems. International Journal of Computer Applications. 168, 5 ( Jun 2017), 14-19. DOI=10.5120/ijca2017914389

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title = { JSON Integration in Relational Database Systems },
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issue_date = { Jun 2017 },
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Recently, a new era of application development is emerging, which us based upon big data technology and the ease of access to compute resources, such as mobile devices. All these issues can be better supported using JSON (and JavaScript) technology. Almost all relational database systems have integrated JSON, partly according to the specification given in the ANSI SQL standard and partly according to other specifications. In this article we discuss several JSON features and investigate how different relational database systems (RDBMSs) have integrated them. Of all database systems discussed in this paper Oracle has implemented the most concepts specified in the ANSI SQL/JSON standard. In contrast to Oracle, PostgreSQL have not implemented any standardized features. Also, we discuss conformance of all these implementations in relation to the ANSI SQL/JSON standard and give suggestions, which important features should be implemented in the future releases of the RDBMSs.

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  5. Liu, C.H. et al. – Closing the functional and Performance Gap between SQL and NoSQL, SIGMOD’16.
  6. MongoDB,
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  8. Indexing JSON Data in Oracle Database,
  9. Petkovic, D. SQL Server 2016, A Beginner’s Guide, McGraw Hill Educational, 2016.
  10. PostgreSQL 9.4, JSON Types,
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  12. Schinckel, M. Querying JSON in Postgres,
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  16. Zemke, F et al.- ANSI SQL/JSON: Part 1,, 2014.
Index Terms

Computer Science
Information Sciences


JSON SQL/JSON relational database systems JSON integration