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Soft Computing Approach for Measuring Business Process Agility in an Agile Environment

by Aarti M. Karande, D. R. Kalbande
International Journal of Computer Applications
Foundation of Computer Science (FCS), NY, USA
Volume 168 - Number 11
Year of Publication: 2017
Authors: Aarti M. Karande, D. R. Kalbande

Aarti M. Karande, D. R. Kalbande . Soft Computing Approach for Measuring Business Process Agility in an Agile Environment. International Journal of Computer Applications. 168, 11 ( Jun 2017), 12-20. DOI=10.5120/ijca2017914534

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Agile environment checks Organization’s capacity or flexibility to accept the changes. Working in agile development needs to check their process, effect in the collaboration with other processes present in the enterprise solution. But agile environment is unpredictable. Hence to measure the process agileness, soft computing approach is used. In this paper, Hybrid Neuro-fuzzy approach is proposed to measure agility of business process with respect to the architectural level. This approach uses different weighting algorithm, for fully connected neural network evaluated on the basis of pairwise comparison of process type and architecture type. This method can be used to take check importance or effect of change of process used in the software solution used in the industry. In case of changing environment, this method will give a selection path to expert for selection of changes in the enterprise solution.

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Index Terms

Computer Science
Information Sciences


Business Process Agility Neural Network Agile development